Chapter Overview
An Overview of Format Manager
Quick Tour I - Creating a Report Style Output
Quick Tour II - Creating a Leica GSI16 Output for use with Thematical Coding
Quick Tour II - Creating a Leica GSI16 Output for use with Free Coding
Appendix A - The Formatting Options for Export Variables
Appendix B - The Setting Options
Appendix C - Frequently asked questions
Getting Started with Format Manager -1.1.0en
Chapter Overview
Quick Tour III- Creating a Leica GSI16 Output
Introduction to this book .............................. 5
What is a format file? ................................................... 5
What is the Format Manager? ...................................... 6
Starting and exiting the Format Manager ....................... 7
for use with Free Coding ........................... 33
Lesson One - Creating the Export Formatstring - Code
Information ..................................................................35
An Overview of Format Manager.................. 9
Coordinate Information .................................................36
Views .........................................................................10
Appendix A - The Formatting Options for
Quick Tour I - Creating a Report Style Output
Export Variables .......................................... 38
Settings .....................................................................39
Flags ..........................................................................42
...................................................................... 12
Lesson One - Creating the Header and Footer ..............13
LessonTwo-CreatingtheBlockTitles ........................15
Lesson Three - Creating the Export Formatstrings output .
Appendix B - The Setting Options.............. 43
Units ..........................................................................44
Defaultvalues .............................................................44
Quick Tour II - Creating a Leica GSI16 Output
for use with Thematical Coding ................ 23
Lesson One - Creating the Export Formatstring - Code
Information ..................................................................25
Appendix C - Frequently Asked Questions ...
...................................................................... 46
Coordinate Information .................................................29
Getting Started with Format Manager -1.1.0en
What is a format file?
Introduction to this book
The aim of this book is to help users in getting started with using the
A format file is quite simply a "mask" or "filter" which allows
Format Manager software to create format files (.frt files) that can be surveyed GPS data to be exported in any format as an ASCII text file.
used with Leica GPS System 500.
The format file can be used both in SKI-Pro and on the System 500
The best way to learn how to use the Format Manager is to actually
generate format files. There are 3 "Quick Tours" in this book which
are step by step tutorials explaining how to create the following 3
different format files:
For example one user may wish to export post processed data from
SKI-Pro in a standard Leica GSI16 format. A second user wishes to
export RTK data from the sensor in a "Report Style" format.
Ø Quick Tour I -
Report Style format file
Using the appropriate format file, the export of any data from the
sensor and SKI-Pro into both these formats is possible. It is thus
easily possible to build up a library of many different output formats.
Ø Quick Tour II -
Leica GSI16 output format file using
thematical coding
Each format file needs only to be created once and the same format
file can be used on both the sensor and with SKI-Pro.
Ø Quick Tour III - Leica GSI16 output format file using
free coding
It is recommended that you complete all of these Quick
Tours. What you learn in Quick Tour I you will need to
use in Quick Tours II and III.
After completing these Quick Tours you should be able to appreciate
the flexibility of format files and be able to create a format file for
almost any output type you need.
For example, it is possible to create both common output formats
such as a Geodimeter type format or a Sokkia SDR33 format and an
unlimited number of unique "report" style formats.
Any surveyed data can be used with these format files. However,
sample data is provided on the SKI-Pro CD which can be used with
each of the Quick Tour format files.
Getting Started with Format Manager-1.1.0en
Introduction to this book
What is the Format Manager?
The Format Manager is the software that is used to create the format
files. It is automatically installed onto your PC when you install SKI-
Pro. You do not require a software protection key (dongle) to use the
Format Manager.
If you have not yet installed SKI-Pro on your PC, please refer to the
Getting Started with SKI-Pro user manual for installation
Getting Started with Format Manager-1.1.0en
Introduction to this book
Starting and exiting the Format Manager
To start Format Manager:
ØFrom the WindowsTM Start bar, click Programs
ØSelect SKI-Pro
To create a new format file:
Upon starting the Format Manager, you can choose to create a new
format file or open an existing format file.
ØTo create a new format file, ensure that GPS500 is chosen as the
Instrument Class and then click OK.
ØSelect Format Manager
Getting Started with Format Manager-1.1.0en
Introduction to this book
To exit Format Manager:
Firstly ensure any changes you have made to a format file are
ØFrom the File menu click Exit or click on the
icon of the Format
manager main window.
Getting Started with Format Manager-1.1.0en
Introduction to this book
An Overview of Format Manager
Format Manager runs on 32-bit Microsoft WindowsTM 95,98 or NT
platforms. It is based on standard WindowsTM operating procedures
and is therefore very easy to learn and to use
The Menu options and Toolbar are used to navigate through the
The Format Manager screen is divided into 3 sections - the Tree-
View, the Edit-View and the Format String Preview sections.
The size of each section can be adjusted by clicking and dragging
the Section Separators.
Menu options
Section Separators
Format String
Getting Started with Format Manager-1.1.0en
An Overview of Format Manager
After selecting a Header data block or an Export Formatstring
from the tree view, the data that should be exported for that Header
data block or an Export Formatstring is entered in the Edit-View.
The tree view provides an overview of all the Header data blocks
and all Export Formatstrings in an expandable hierachy of books
and pages
Double click on an item or click
If an item is open, double click on it or click
The Edit-View is basically similar to any text editor. Any text that is
required to be included in the output file needs to be entered here.
to expand it.
to close it.
In addition, if an Export Formatstring page is selected from the
Tree-View then the Insert export variable dialog box appears.
This allows any variables that are to be exported to be chosen.
If a Header data block or an Export Formatstring contains data
then the page is shown thus:
Insert export variable dialog box
Getting Started with Format Manager-1.1.0en
An Overview of Format Manager
Format String Preview:
The Format String Preview section is simply a preview screen. It
allows you to see how the text and export variables will look
when the format file is used. No data can be entered in this screen.
Example of how the Views may look
whilst working in the Format Manager:
In the Edit-View a mix of some text and
export variables has been entered
The Insert export
variable dialog box
is active because an
Export Format
String is selected in
the Tree-View
In the Tree-View the
Fixpoint Export Format
String has been selected
In the Format String Preview you can see
how the output data would appear when this
format string is used
Getting Started with Format Manager-1.1.0en
An Overview of Format Manager
Quick Tour I - Creating a Report Style Output
This Quick Tour is a step-by-step tutorial to create a format file that
will output data in a "report style" format.
The following output is required:
Block Titles
Export Formatstrings
Note also the following characteristics of this format file:
This format file has the following sections:
Ÿ All the Export Formatstrings are left aligned.
Ÿ Header information appearing only once at the head of the report.
Ÿ A Block Title appears once over the actual surveyed data output.
Ÿ The Coordinate values are output to 3dp but the CQ values are
output to 2dp.
Ÿ Export Formatstrings (the surveyed data) arranged in tab
delimited columns.
Ÿ There are 2 blank lines between the Header and the Block Titles
and two blank lines between the Export Formatstrings and the
Ÿ Footer information appearing only once at the end of the report.
Ÿ Point TP306 was not coded when it was surveyed. In the output
above, it is given a "default value" of NULL.
A format file does not always have to include a
Header, Block Titles or a Footer.
Getting Started with Format Manager-1.1.0en
Quick Tour I - Creating a Report Style Output
Lesson One - Creating the Header and Footer
In Leson One you will learn how to create the header and footer for
the format file.
ØIn the Tree-View open the Header folder
and then the General folder.
ØSelect the File Header page.
Start-up the Format Manager:
ØFrom the WindowsTM Start bar, click Programs, SKI-Pro and then
click on Format Manager.
The Format file type dialog box
Click in the Edit-View section and enter the text for the first line of the
ØClick OK to create a GPS500 new
format file.
ØType the words Company Name and then then press Tab on your
keyboard 7 times. Then type the words Company Address and
then press Enter.
The main Format Manager window appears.
As you enter text in the Edit-View, the same text can be
seen in the Formatstring-Preview section. Remember,
you cannot enter text in this section - it is a preview
screen of what is currently shown in the Edit-View.
A space is shown as a and a tab is shown as a
the Edit-View.
Getting Started with Format Manager-1.1.0en
Quick Tour I - Creating a Report Style Output
ØUnderline the words Company Name and Company Address using = ØSelect the File Footer page.
to underline the text. Press ENTER after entering the last =.
ØEnter the rest of the header text. Enter 4 tabs before the words
RTK Survey Report to centre this text. Press ENTER after the last
Note how the File Header
page has become grey to
show that there is data
entered for this page.
ØPress ENTER 2 more times. This will put two empty lines before the
text which will follow.
Click in the Edit-View section and enter the text for the footer.
ØPress ENTER twice. This will put two empty lines after the data that
will be output and before the footer text.
ØEnter 4 tabs and then type the words End of Data.
You have now completed the header for this format file. We will now
enter the footer details.
You have completed the footer for this format file. We will now
create the Block Titles.
Getting Started with Format Manager-1.1.0en
Quick Tour I - Creating a Report Style Output
Lesson Two - Creating the Block Titles
Lesson Three - Creating the Export Formatstrings output
A Block Title is text that will appear as a
"title" above any surveyed data that will
be output as Export Formatstrings.
The Export Formatstrings are the actual surveyed data values that
are required to output. For this format file we need to output the
following export variables:
ØIn the Tree-View open the Blocks
folder and then select the Fixpoint (TPS/
GPS) page.
Ÿ Point ID
Ÿ Coordinates - easting, northing and ellipsoidal height
Ÿ Code ID
Ÿ 3D Coordinate Quality
Click in the Edit-View section and enter the text for the block title.
An Export Formatstring can consist of both variables
and text.
ØEnter the text as shown below and then press ENTER. Use the - to
underline the text.
ØPress ENTER at the end of the last - . This will ensure the Export
Formatstrings are output on a new line.
ØIn the Tree-View open the Export Formatstrings folder and then
open the Fixpoint (TPS/GPS) folder.
ØSelect the Fixpoint
Note there are two tabs between Easting and
Northing and Height and Code. This is to space the
output data correctly.
Getting Started with Format Manager-1.1.0en
Quick Tour I - Creating a Report Style Output
When you select an Export Formatstring, the Insert
export variable dialog box becomes active. This
allows the different variables you need for a format file
to be chosen.
Export Variables that have been selected are shown
in the Edit-View with << >> brackets.
For this format file, we only require 6 characters of the point ID to be
output. (No point ID in our surveyed data has more than 6
The first variable needed in this format file is the Point ID (Target)
characters). We also require the point ID data to be left aligned.
ØDouble click on the Point ID (Target) export variable in the Edit-
View. The Formatting options for export variable dialog box will
ØScroll the list box to find the Point ID
(Target) variable. Select this variable either
by double clicking on it, or by highlighting it
and then pressing Insert.
The Point Id (Target) variable will appear in the Edit-View.
In the Format String Preview screen you can see how this
variable will look when the format file is used (Format Manager uses
a dummy point ID value).
Note that because Point ID (Target) is a String (text)
variable, the Representation, Sign, and Alternate
Format options are grey. These settings only apply to
Floating Point (numerical) variables such as grid or
geodetic coordinates.
Getting Started with Format Manager-1.1.0en
Quick Tour I - Creating a Report Style Output
ØSelect the Alignment to be
We now need to enter the coordinate variables.
ØClick in the Edit-View screen to put the cursor behind <<Point ID
ØChoose the Length to be 6
(Target)>> variable.
and the Precision to be 6.
ØEnter a tab which will separate the <<Point ID (Target)>> export
ØClick OK.
variable from the easting export variable.
The example point ID in the Format String Preview screen will now
apppear as left aligned with only 6 characters.
Before entering the coordinate variables, we should consider
Previously, after we had entered the variable <<Point ID (Target)>>
we then had to set the alignment and the length and precision by
using the Formatting options for export variable dialog box.
A full description of using the Default settings for
variables dialog box is given in Appendix A of this
This was because the default settings for alignment, length and
precision were not as we required.
It is possible to set the default settings for a newly selected variable.
This would then mean we do not have to set the format settings
individually for each of the coordinate export variables.
Getting Started with Format Manager-1.1.0en
Quick Tour I - Creating a Report Style Output
If you require these settings also to be applied to
subsequently created format files, select the Apply to
every new format option.
ØFrom the Options menu or from the Toolbar select Defaults
The following dialog appears - these are the current output settings
that will be applied to any variable which is selected:
ØEnsure the Apply to every new format option is selected.
ØClick OK.
We can now enter the easting, northing and height export variables.
ØFrom the Insert export variable dialog
box insert Target (East).
However, the next 3 variables we will enter will be easting,
northing and height. For these 3 variables we require the same
format settings: Alignment to be left, the length to be 12 and the
precision to be 3.
ØEnter a tab.
ØFrom the Insert export variable dialog
box insert Target (North).
ØEnter a tab.
ØEdit the settings to those shown below.
ØFrom the Insert export variable dialog box insert Local
Ellipsoidal Height.
ØEnter a tab.
Ensure you choose the Local Ellipsoidal Height
export variable not the Target (Elev) export variable.
Getting Started with Format Manager-1.1.0en
Quick Tour I - Creating a Report Style Output
If you select a wrong export variable, put the cursor to the right of
that export variable by clicking just behind it and press Backspace.
This will delete that export variable.
We now need to choose the Code ID export variable. This is stored
in the Code data block type.
You should now see the following:
To make export variables easier to find in the Insert
export variables dialog box, they are sorted into
different data block types. For example all code
information is stored in the Code (TPS/GPS) data block
type whereas all quality information is stored in the
Quality information (GPS) data block type.
Put the cursor behind the Local Ellipsoidal Height export variable
and the tab by clicking in the Edit-View.
ØDouble click on Local Ellipsoidal Height. The Formatting
options for export variable dialog box will show the default
settings you have previously set to be the default.
ØFrom the Insert export variable dialog box select the Datablock-
Type to be Code (TPS/GPS).
ØClick Cancel.
To output a Local Ellipsoidal Height in a format file, use
the Local Ellipsoidal Height export variable. For this
format file we need the local ellipsoidal height. This is
because the sample data we will use with this format
file has local ellipsoidal heights, not orthometric
ØScroll the Available variable list box to
find Code ID. Double click on the Code
ID or highlight the variable and click
To output a local orthometric height in a format file, use
the Target (Elev) export variable.
ØEnter a tab.
Getting Started with Format Manager-1.1.0en
Quick Tour I - Creating a Report Style Output
The format settings for the Code ID export variable are however
again different to those we have previously set to be default. Thus
we need to edit the format settings for the Code ID export variable.
Because this is the final export variable we need to enter a carriage
return at the end of the line. This will ensure the information for each
point will start on a new line.
ØDouble click on the Code ID to activate the Formatting options
ØPress Enter.
for export variable dialog box.
ØSelect the Alignment to be Left.
ØChoose the Length to be 4 and the Precision to be 4.
ØClick OK.
The format settings are again different to those we have previously
set to be default and need to be changed for the code ID.
ØDouble click on the 3D Coordinate Quality to activate the
Formatting options for export variable dialog box.
You should now see the following:
ØEnsure the Alignment is set to be Left.
ØChange the Length to be 5 and the Precision to be 2.
ØClick OK.
You should now see the following:
The final export variable to enter is the 3D Coordinate Quality.
ØFrom the Insert export variable
dialog box choose data block type
Quality information (GPS) and the
export variable.
ØDouble click on the 3D Coordinate
Quality or highlight the variable and click
Getting Started with Format Manager-1.1.0en
Quick Tour I - Creating a Report Style Output
It is of course possible to use this format file with surveyed points
that were not coded. For these points, a default value would be
assigned to these points.
It is also possible to change the default values for
Floating-Point variables (such as coordinate values)
and Integer variables (such as angular values). Refer
to Appendix B for a complete description of the use of
the Settings dialog box.
It is possible to edit the default values that are assigned to points that
do not contain data for the export variables that are being used.
The export formatstring and the format file is now complete and
needs to be saved.
ØFrom the Options menu or from the Toolbar select Formats
The following dialog box will appear. Select the Default values tab.
This shows the current default settings.
ØFrom the File menu choose Save as...
ØChoose the directory where you wish to save this format file. Give
the format file a file name and click OK. The .frt extension is
automatically added.
ØChange the String default value to be NULL.
It is recommended that all format files are stored in the
same directory.
This means that when this format file is used, any point surveyed
without a code will be given the value NULL.
ØClick OK.
Getting Started with Format Manager-1.1.0en
Quick Tour I - Creating a Report Style Output
Congratulations! You have created a Report Style format file that
can be used with either SKI-Pro or on board the System 500 sensor.
When you export the sample data using this format file, you should
see the following output. If you do not, check the format file to
identify the problem.
It is recommended that you use the Real Time sample data to test this
format file. Import this sample data into SKI-Pro and then export the
data using this format file.
If you are not sure how to use the format file in SKI-Pro, please refer
to the Quick Tour I in the Getting Started with SKI-Pro user
When you installed SKI-Pro, the sample data should have been
installed on your PC in the directory:
The best way to test a format file is to use any sample
data and inspect the output. The format file can then be
edited until you are satisfied with the output.
Getting Started with Format Manager-1.1.0en
Quick Tour I - Creating a Report Style Output
Quick Tour II - Creating a Leica GSI16 Output for use with Thematical Coding
Quick Tour II is a step-by-step tutorial to create a format file that will
output data in the standard Leica GSI16 format for use with
thematically coded data.
A brief overview of the differences between
Thematical and Free Coding
Thematical coding means that when a point is coded in the
field, the code information is directly connected to that
Quick Tour II follows on from what you have learnt in
surveyed point - it is a "property" of the point. For this reason,
Quick Tour I. If you have not yet completed Quick Tour I,
the code export variables have to be entered into the Fixpoint
it is recommended that you do so.
(TPS/GPS) Export Formatstring.
When thematically coded points are exported with this format
file, any code information connected with the surveyed points
Note, this format file can only be used with data that has been coded
is also output.
using Thematical coding. This format file could not be used with
data that was surveyed using Free coding. No code information
would be output.
Thematically coded data can be sorted by time or
point ID when exported from SKI-Pro or the sensor.
A GSI16 format file that can be used with data that has been coded
with Free Coding will be created in Quick Tour III.
Free coding means that when a code is selected in the field,
that code is given only a time stamp. It is not connected directly
to any surveyed point. For this reason, the code export
variables have to be entered into the Code (TPS/GPS) Export
Formatstring. When free coded survey data is exported it
must be sorted by time.
A brief overview of the differences between Thematical and Free
coding is given here. For a full description, please refer to Chapter 8
of the System 500 Technical Reference Manual which can be
found on the SKI-Pro CD.
When the data is exported, both the codes and the surveyed
points will be exported in exactly the same chronological order
in which they were collected in the field.
Free coded data must be sorted by time when
exported from SKI-Pro or the sensor.
Getting Started with Format Manager-1.1.0en
Quick Tour II - Creating a Leica GSI16 Output - Thematical Codes
The output shown below is required.
In this format, the Export Formatstrings consist of both text and
export variables. For each point, the code data is output on one line
and then the point ID and coordinate data is output immediately on the
following line.
Code ID
Attributes 1,2 and 3
block number
Code data
Point ID and
Point ID
Ÿ The length of the output variables must always be exactly 16. If the
surveyed data contains less than 16 characters for any variable then
the "fill" character must be 0. If the surveyed data that is output using
this format file contains more than 16 characters, then the data must
be truncated.
Note also the following characteristics of this format file:
Ÿ This format file does not include a Header, Block Titles or a
Footer. It contains only one Export Formatstring.
Ÿ The Coordinate values are output in mm values and contain no
decimal point.
Ÿ Attributes 2 and 3 for points p00003 to p00005 were not given a
value when surveyed. In the output above, they are given a "default
value" of 0.
Ÿ All variables are right aligned.
Ÿ Each line contains an incrementing number - the GSI block
Getting Started with Format Manager-1.1.0en
Quick Tour II - Creating a Leica GSI16 Output - Thematical Codes
Lesson One - Creating the Export Formatstring - Code Information
Choose to create a new format file.
The first part of the code line is the text *41. This is not an export
variable, but simply text.
ØFrom the File menu or from the Toolbar select New
ØEnter the text *41.
ØClick OK to create a standard GPS 500 format file.
ØExpand the tree view and select the Fixpoint (TPS/GPS)
The next part of the code line is an incrementing block number. This is
effectively a line counter which increases by 1 for each line that is
ØFrom the Insert export variable list box, choose Blocknumber
We will enter the code export variables into the
Fixpoint (TPS/GPS) Export Formartstring because this
format file is for use with data surveyed using
Thematical coding.
Getting Started with Format Manager-1.1.0en
Quick Tour II - Creating a Leica GSI16 Output - Thematical Codes
ØDouble click on the variable to access the Formatting options
The remainder of the export variables in this line are the Code ID and
for export variable dialog box.
Attribute values 1, 2 and 3 all have the same format.
ØSet the format options as shown below.
They are all Right aligned, with a Length of 16, a Precision of 0
and use the Fill Character of 0.
Remember that it is possible to set the default format values for
export variables.
ØFrom the Options menu or from the Toolbar select Defaults
ØSet the format options as shown below. Ensure to click the Use
for every new format option.
Note that when you choose to right align a variable you
can choose between a space or zero as the fill
character. For GSI formats, the fill character will
always be zero.
ØClick OK.
The next character is a + sign immediately after the Blocknumber
(GSI) export variable.
Instead of setting the length of the variable to be 16,
you could also set the length of the variable to be 8 and
then enter 00000000 as text. The output would be
exactly the same.
ØEnter a +.
Getting Started with Format Manager-1.1.0en
Quick Tour II - Creating a Leica GSI16 Output - Thematical Codes
We must also ensure that the number of characters output for any
export variable is never more than 16. GSI16 format does not allow
any export variable to be greater than 16 characters in length. We
must therefore set the truncate flag.
As mentioned at the beginning of the Quick Tour, any "gaps" in GSI16
format must be filled with a 0. This means that we must ensure 0 is
output for the points where codes or attribute values are not
ØSelect the Flags tab view and tick the Truncate value option as
shown below.
ØFrom the Options menu or from the Toolbar select Formats
ØSelect the Default values tab. Change the settings to those
shown below.
ØSet the format options as shown below. Ensure to click the Use
for every new format option.
This means that when this format file is used, any point without a
code or attribute value, the code and attribute output will be 0.
ØClick OK.
ØClick OK
A full description of using the Default settings for
variables dialog box is given in Appendix A of this
A full description of using the Settings dialog box is
given in Appendix B of this manual.
Getting Started with Format Manager-1.1.0en
Quick Tour II - Creating a Leica GSI16 Output - Thematical Codes
ØFrom the Insert export variable list box, choose Code ID.
Remember to select the Code (TPS/GPS) Datablock-Type first.
ØEnter a space and then the text 42....+
Complete the rest of the code line as shown below. Ensure you
select the Attribute value export variables, not the Attribute
Name export variable.
All GSI16 output requires a space at the end of the line.
ØAt the end of the line enter a space and then press Enter.
Getting Started with Format Manager-1.1.0en
Quick Tour II - Creating a Leica GSI16 Output - Thematical Codes
Lesson Two - Creating the Export Formatstring - Coordinate Information
The first part of the coordinate line is the same as the code line. It
The next part of the line is the coordinate variables.
again consists of text and the Blocknumber (GSI).
For metric formats, the GSI format allows no decimal point in the
output string which means the coordinates have to be output in mm.
However, the coordinate data that will be output from SKI-Pro or the
sensor will be in metres. It is therefore necessary to scale the
coordinate values by 1000.
ØEnter the text *11 and the Blocknumber (GSI) as described for
the code line in Lesson One.
Remember to set the format settings for the blocknumber as in
Lesson One.
ØFrom the Options menu or from the Toolbar select Formats
The Setting dialog box will appear. Ensure the Scales tab view is
It is possible here to enter 4 differerent scale values for
Angular, Linear, Temperature and Pressure type
export variable. (Normally, GPS users would only be
interested in scaling linear export variables such as
coordinate values or baseline lengths).
ØEnter a + as text.
The next part of the line is the Point ID (Target). Enter the Point ID
(Target) export variable as shown below.
ØChange the Linear scale to be 1000.
ØClick OK.
Getting Started with Format Manager-1.1.0en
Quick Tour II - Creating a Leica GSI16 Output - Thematical Codes
A length of 17 is required because the sign of the export variable is
included in the export variable. Thus we will have 16 actual numeric
characters for the coordinate value and one character for the sign.
We now need to define the Formatting options for the coordinate
export variables.
Since the easting, northing and height will all have exactly the same
settings, it is more efficient to set the default format settings that will
be applied to every subsequently selected export variable than to
enter each export variable and then individually set the format
settings for each variable.
A precision of 0 is required because we do not want a decimal
point or any decimal values in the output.
ØSet the Length to 17 and the Precision to 0.
ØFrom the Options menu or from the Toolbar select Defaults
Set the format options as shown below.
Notice that we have set the length of the output to be 17. However,
if the actual length of the coordinate value that is output contains only
12 characters then the "missing" characters need to be filled. The
choice is to fill with either 0 or spaces. For a GSI format the spaces
need to be filled with 0.
ØSet the Fill character to be 0.
ØEnsure to select the Use for every new format option.
It is quite possible that a coordinate system could be used that may
produce negative values for any of the coordinate values. For this
reason the correct sign must always be included in the output.
ØChoose Always for the Sign.
Getting Started with Format Manager-1.1.0en
Quick Tour II - Creating a Leica GSI16 Output - Thematical Codes
ØEnter the remainder of the coordinate line as shown below. Do not
enter the + charcter as text. Remember this will be output as part of
the coordinate export variable itself.
ØSelect the Flags tab view.
ØEnsure the Allow scaling option is selected.
This option means that any real or integer type export variable
(coordinates, baselines, angular values...) will be scaled by the
appropriate factor that was entered in the Scales dialog box. In this
example, the coordinate values will be scaled by 1000.
ØAt the end of the line enter a space and press ENTER
The export formatstring and the format file is now complete and
needs to be saved.
ØFrom the File menu choose Save as...
ØGive this format file a file name and click OK. The .frt extension is
automatically added.
Ensure that the Truncate value flag that we set for
the code export variables is still selected.
ØClick OK.
Getting Started with Format Manager-1.1.0en
Quick Tour II - Creating a Leica GSI16 Output - Thematical Codes
Congratulations! You have created a GSI16 format file that can be
used with either SKI-Pro or on board the System 500 sensor.
It is recommended that you use the Thematically Coded sample
data to test this format file. Import this sample data into SKI-Pro and
then export the data using this format file.
When you installed SKI-Pro, the Thematical sample data should
have been installed on your PC in:
\SkiPro\Data\SampleData\Sys500\Thematic Coded\.
When this sample data is exported using this format file, you should
see the following output. If you do not, carefully check the format file
to identify the problem.
The best way to test a format file is to use any sample
data and inspect the output. The format file can then be
edited until you are satisfied with the output.
Getting Started with Format Manager-1.1.0en
Quick Tour II - Creating a Leica GSI16 Output - Thematical Codes
Quick Tour III- Creating a Leica GSI16 Output for use with Free Coding
Quick Tour III is a brief tutorial to create a format file that will output
data in the standard Leica GSI16 format for use with free coded
data. The actual creation and the export variables used for this
format file is virtually identical to the format file we have just created
in Quick Tour II.
There is only one difference between this format file for use with
free coding and the format file created in Quick Tour II for use with
thematical coding.
With this format file, the code export variables are entered into the
Code (TPS/GPS) Exportstring. With the format file created in Quick
Tour II, the code export variables were entered into the Fixpoint
(TPS/GPS) Exportstring.
Quick Tour III follows on from what you have learnt in
Quick Tours I and II. If you have not yet completed
Quick Tours I and II, it is recommended that you do
Note, this format file can only be used with data that has been coded
using Free coding. This format file could not be used with data that
was surveyed using Thematical coding. No code information
would be output.
We have already created a GSI16 format file that can be used with
data that has been thematically coded in Quick Tour II.
For a brief description of the differences between Thematical and
Free coding, refer to Quick Tour II. For a full description, please refer
to Chapter 8 of the System 500 Technical Reference Manual
which can be found on the SKI-Pro CD.
Getting Started with Format Manager-1.1.0en
Quick Tour III - Creating a Leica GSI16 Output - Free Codes
The output shown below is required.
Note here that the code road was only entered once, immediately
before point p00003 was surveyed. Most CAD pakages will
interperate that subsequent points (p00004 to p00005) will also use
this code until a new code is entered. This is the correct way to
survey with free codes.
Code ID
Attributes 1,2 and 3
block number
Code data
Point ID and
Point ID
The characteristics of this format file are identical to the format file
created in Quick Tour II:
Ÿ The length of the output variables must always be exactly 16. If the
surveyed data contains less than 16 characters for any variable then
the "fill" character must be 0. If the surveyed data that is output using
this format file contains more than 16 characters, then the data must
be truncated.
Ÿ This format file does not include a Header, Block Titles or a
Footer. It contains only two Export Formatstrings.
Ÿ The Coordinate values are output in mm values and contain no
decimal point.
Ÿ Attributes 2 and 3 for the code road were not given a value when
surveyed. In the output above, they are given a "default value" of 0.
Ÿ All variables are right aligned.
Ÿ Each line contains an incrementing number - the GSI block
Quick Tour III - Creating a Leica GSI16 Output - Free Codes
Getting Started with Format Manager-1.1.0en
Lesson One - Creating the Export Formatstring - Code Information
Choose to create a new format file.
To enter the code and attribute export variables, repeat exactly what
we did for Lesson One of Quick Tour II. Refer back to this lesson if
ØFrom the File menu or from the Toolbar select New
ØClick OK to create a standard GPS 500 format file.
Note, that when you activate the Formatting options
for export variable dialog box, many of the settings
will be correct. This is because we ticked the Use for
every new format option in Quick Tour II.
To create the export formatstring for the code information, repeat
exactly what you did in Lesson One of Quick Tour II. The only
difference is to enter the code information into the Code (TPS/GPS)
After creating the code information export formartstring, you should
see the following.
We will enter the code export variables into the Code
(TPS/GPS) Export Formartstring because this format
file is for use with data surveyed using Free coding.
ØExpand the tree view and select the Code (TPS/GPS)
Getting Started with Format Manager-1.1.0en
Quick Tour III - Creating a Leica GSI16 Output - Free Codes
Lesson Two - Creating the Export Formatstring - Coordinate Information
We now need to enter the coordinate information. Again, this is
identical to what we did in Lesson Two of Quick Tour II.
After creating the coordinate information export formartstring, you
should see the following.
ØExpand the tree view and select the Fixpoint (TPS/GPS)
Once you have completed entering the coordinate information, save
the format file.
To create the export formatstring for the coordinate information,
repeat exactly what you did in Lesson One of Quick Tour II. Refer
back to this lesson if necessary.
Quick Tour III - Creating a Leica GSI16 Output - Free Codes
Getting Started with Format Manager-1.1.0en
It is recommended that you use the Free Coded sample data to test
this format file. Import this sample data into SKI-Pro and then export
the data using this format file.
When you installed SKI-Pro, the Free Coded sample data should
have been installed on your PC in:
\SkiPro\Data\SampleData\Sys500\Free Coded\
When this sample data is exported using this format file, you should
see the following output. If you do not, carefully check the format file
to identify the problem.
If you do not see any code information, it is possible
that you have selected in the export setting options in
SKI-Pro to sort the data by Point Id. Export the data
again, this time sorting by Time.
Getting Started with Format Manager-1.1.0en
Quick Tour III - Creating a Leica GSI16 Output - Free Codes
Appendix A - The Formatting Options for Export Variables
This Appendix describes the different format options that are
possible using the Formatting Options for Export Variables
dialog box. Double click on any export variable to access this dialog
It is possible to set the default Formatting Options for Export
Variables. From the Options menu or from the Toolbar select
The use of the options within this dialog box allows a large number
of different output formats to be created.
You can then define the formatting options that will be applied to
every subsequently selected export variable for that particular
format file.
As mentioned in Quick Tour I only all format options are available if
the selected export variable is a Floating point export variable. This
type of variable normally contains a decimal point and a decimal
value. An example of such an export variable is Coordinate
Additionally, if you wish those formatting options to also be applied
and used in every subsequent format file you create, you should
select the Use for every new format option.
If the export variable is a String (text) variable or an Integer
variable then not all format options are available. An example of a
String variable is a Point ID. An example of an Integer variable is
the degree part of the Latitude of a point.
In the following descriptions of each format option it is stated if that
option is applicable to String and/or Integer export variables.
Appendix A - The Formatting Options for Export Variables
Getting Started with Format Manager-1.1.0en
This section describes the options that are available on the Settings
tab view of the Formatting options for export variables dialog
The representation allows a decimal or an exponential representation
to be chosen. Does not apply to String and Integer export
Example (using Easting of 609.173):
Normal -
Exp. basis e -
Exp. basis E -
The sign controls if a sign (+ or -) will be output with the export
variable. Does not apply to String export variables.
Example 1 (using Easting of 123456.123):
The alignment defines the orientation of the string within the defined
string length. Applies also to String and Integer export variables.
Only negative - 123456.123
Example (using Point ID of 12345678):
Always -
Left alignment -
Right alignment -
Example 2 (using Easting of -123456.123):
Only negative - -123456.123
Always -
Getting Started with Format Manager-1.1.0en
Appendix A - The Formatting Options for Export Variables
Examples (using Point ID of 12345678):
Alternate Format
This is a functionality which may be introduced in the future. It has no
function at the present time.
Defines the minimum length of the output. This length includes the
sign (if selected to use) and the decimal point. Applies also to String
and Integer export variables.
Length 0 is not allowed. Maximum length is 20.
It can be seen that using the correct length, precision and the
truncation flag, any output can be achieved.
See below in the description of Precision for examples of using the
Note how a precision of 0 does not set the maximum
length - the whole string is output (truncated if the
truncation flag is set).
If the length is greater than the precision, the remaining
spaces are filled with the fill character.
This has different meaning for String and Integer variables and
Floating point variables.
Floating point variables: Precision defines the number of decimal
places of the output. The examples below use a fill character of 0
String and Integer variables: Precision defines the maximum
length of the output.
Examples (using Easting of 123456.12345):
In the examples below, the output is shown for both using
truncation and not using truncation is shown and uses 0 as the
fill character (both truncation and the fill character are explained
Note that the length of 15 includes the decimal point.
Appendix A - The Formatting Options for Export Variables
Getting Started with Format Manager-1.1.0en
Fill Character
Fill characters are used to "fill" variables that have fewer characters
than the defined length for that variable. Applies also to String and
Integer export variables.
The unit type as to how the data will be output for each variable can
be defined. This setting will overide any unit setting in SKI-Pro or on
the sensor. Does not apply to String export variables.
Either spaces or 0 can be used as the fill character.
Linear variables (such as coordinates, baseline lengths) can be set
to metres, US feet, or Intl feet.
In the example below, the output is right aligned and has a length
of 7.
Angular variables (such as convergence angle) can be set to
radians, gons, degrees (sexagesimal), degrees (decimal) or
Examples (using Point ID of 12345):
0 as fill character -
The Use system unit will read the instrument settings regardless of
the Format Manager settings for that variable.
space as fill character -
The space fill character is automatically selected if a
variable is left aligned.
Getting Started with Format Manager-1.1.0en
Appendix A - The Formatting Options for Export Variables
Flags are special "attributes" that can be set to export variables to
increase the flexibility of the output format.
Suppress rounding
If this option is selected, the true value will be truncated (instead of
rounded) at the specified precision. Does not apply to String and
Integer variables.
In the examples below, the Precision is set to 2.
Example (using Easting of 123456.789):
Flag Enabled (rounding suppressed) -
Some flags are not applicable to String and Integer export variable
types. For each flag it is stated in the following descriptions if that
flag is applicable to these export variable types.
Flag Disabled (rounding not suppressed) - 123456.79
Truncate value
If this option is selected, variable values will be truncated to reach
the desired string length. Applies also to String and Integer
Allow scaling
If this option is selected, variables will be multiplied by the entered
scaling factor. Does not apply to String and Integer variables.
In the examples below, the linear scale is set to 1000.
Example (using Easting of 123456.789):
In the examples below, the Length is set to 7.
Example (using Easting of 123456.789):
Flag Enabled (use scaling) - 123456789.000
Flag Disabled (do not scale) - 123456.789
Flag Enabled (truncate) -
Flag Disabled (do not truncate) - 123456.789
For Floating Point variables the truncation is always
from the left. For String and Integer only variables,
the text can be truncated from the left or right
depending on the Length and Precision settings.
Please refer to the previous description on Precision.
The scaling factors themselves are entered in the
Settings dialog box. (From the Options menu or from
the Toolbar select Formats
Appendix A - The Formatting Options for Export Variables
Getting Started with Format Manager-1.1.0en
Appendix B - The Setting Options
Scales can be defined for all export variable types. All export
This Appendix describes the different format options that are
variables will then be mutiplied by the specific scale factor.
possible using the Settings dialog box. This is accessed from the
Options menu or from the Toolbar select Formats
Example (using Easting of 123456.12345):
In the example below, the linear scale is set to 1000.
Output - 123456123.45
The use of the options within this dialog box allows the Units,
Scaling factors and the export variable Default values to be set.
If you wish to use scaling for an export variable,
remember to set the Allow scaling flag for that export
variable. Refer to Appendix A.
If you wish the scaling values also to be used in every
subsequent format file you create, you should select
the Use for every new format option.
Getting Started with Format Manager-1.1.0en
Default values
The units for angular, linear, temperature and pressure units can be
selected. The output will then be converted into the selected units.
This allows the default values to be defined that will be output for
Floating Point, Integer and String export variables.
ØExamples of Floating Point variables are coordinate or
baseline length variables. They are variables which could contain
a decimal point in their output.
If you wish the unit settings also to be used in every
subsequent format file you create, you should tick the
Use for every new format option.
ØAn example of an Integer variable is the degree part of the
WGS84 coordinates. They are variables which do not contain a
decimal point in their output.
If you wish the units which are currently chosen on the
instrument or in SKI-Pro to be output, you should select
the Use instrument units option.
ØExamples of String variables are Point ID or Code ID. They are
purely text variables.
Appendix B - The Setting Options
Getting Started with Format Manager-1.1.0en
The default value you enter will be output when that variable type
(floating point, integer or string) is output but no actual data for that
particular variable is available.
For example, a simple format file is created which will output point ID,
coordinates and code. However, during the survey, not every point is
coded. When the format file is used with this survey data, the code
ID that will be seen in the output for the points that have not been
coded will be the default value.
If you wish the default values you enter also to be used
in every subsequent format file you create, you should
tick the Use for every new format option.
Getting Started with Format Manager-1.1.0en
Appendix B - The Setting Options
Appendix C - Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Why has my data not come out on separate lines? It has
scrolled around the screen.
You require GPS data to be output in a format that is similar as
shown below
This is because you have not pressed ENTER at the end of the
output string. You must enter the complete output for a format file and
the carriage return / line feed to create a new line is part of that
format. This also applies to any footers, headers or block titles.
Job Details...
Name of job, Creator etc
Point Details...
Point ID, coordinates, CQ etc
Baseline Information...
Baseline lengths etc
Q. Why do I see 1.00 for my local heights? I can see the
proper heights in SKI-Pro.
Each "type" of data (Job, Point details, Baseline information) is
grouped together in blocks which allows complex format outputs to
be created.
You see 1.00 because this is the default export value for floating
point export variables when you install Format Manager. This means
that the export variable you have selected does not contain data.
Check you have selected the correct export variable for your local
However, the vast majority of format outputs can be created by just
using the Fixpoint folder.
Remember the Target (Elev) export variable will output local
orthometric heights. The Local Ellipsoidal Height export variable
will output local ellipsoidal heights.
Not every export variable can be used in every folder.
For example the Baseline Cofactor Qzz export
variable could not be used in the Job folder. The
baseline cofactor information would simply not be
Q. Why are there so many export
formatstrings in the tree view? Do I always
have to use the Fixpoint exportstring folder?
Using the different formatstring "folders" allows
data of certain specific types to be grouped
Getting Started with Format Manager-1.1.0en
Appendix C - Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Why has the code information not been output?
Q. What is the String Pool?
Are you using thematical coding or free coding?
The string pool is a library for storing "strings" (combinations of
export variables). This may be useful if you wish to use the same
combination of export variables again and again in different format
If you have coded with thematical coding then the code export
variables must be entered into the Fixpoint (TPS/GPS) Exportstring.
If you have entered the code export variables into the Code (TPS/
GPS) Exportstring, no thematical code information will be output.
Example: How to save strings into the string pool
The format files created in Quick Tours I and II in this book can only
be used with thematical codes. Please refer to Quick Tour II in this
book for further information on thematical and free coding.
You wish to use the combination of export variables shown below in
other format files you will create.
If you have coded with free coding then the code export variables
must be entered into the Code (TPS/GPS) Exportstring. If you have
entered the code export variables into the Fixpoint (TPS/GPS)
Exportstring, no free code information will be output.
ØRight click in the edit view or tree view sections of the screen to
activate the String pool menu. Choose Save. Alternatively select the
Additionally, when you export the surveyed data from the sensor or
SKI-Pro, the data must be sorted by Time. If the surveyed data is
sorted by Point Id, no free code information will be output.
icon from the toolbar.
ØEnter a name to identify this
combination of export variables and
save the combination to the string
The format file created in Quick Tour III in this book can only be used
with free codes. Please refer to Quick Tour II in this book or Chapter
8 of the System 500 Technical Reference Manual for further
information on thematical and free coding.
ØClick Save.
Getting Started with Format Manager-1.1.0en
Appendix C - Frequently Asked Questions
Example: How to load strings from the string pool
Any export variables or entered text that is present in
the formatstring where you will load the string from the
string pool will be deleted when you load the string.
You now wish to create a different format file that will use this
combination of export variables.
ØOpen the tree view to access the Fixpoint
Export Formatstring.
ØRight click in the edit view or tree
view sections of the screen to
activate the String pool menu.
Choose Load. Alternatively select the
icon from the toolbar.
The pool content shows what
strings are currently stored in the
ØSelect the correct string and click
The combination of export variables
will appear in the edit-view.
Getting Started with Format Manager-1.1.0en
Appendix C - Frequently Asked Questions
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